THis Blog is the WIFT Visual Research Lab.
A place for discovery, observation and meditation.
Vision brings in the data, the raw materials and the cues that guide our step.
12/1/11 Update: As soon as I added extra pages, the server started acting up, saying there wasn't enough disk space for all of the information. Now the home page won't even work. Awesome.
When you turn the corner on the staircase: On the health bulletin board on the girl's bathroom: On the floor bulletin board next to my vert strict RA's door:
For my project I wanted to send a message that I feel college students don't think about every day. By creating my poster in four steps and an easy to read "how to" visual, I hoped to catch attention with bold graphics and big letters. My project didn't use color, because I felt it communicated best in black and white. I wanted students that saw my poster around campus to take a second away from their day to think about how they treat people, and possibly even change the way they treat people. Sometimes, it's easy to overthink being nice, but by breaking it down to four steps hopefully I simplified it enough for most.
The objective of our posters is to raise simple health awareness in an accessible way on our college campus. We aimed to provide suggestions for healthy alternatives rather than provoke guilt or criticize. We employed this through the use of visually stimulating and playful images with easy-to-read and concise information. We hope these serve as an inspiration to consider a healthier lifestyle.
My goal was to use this outrageous imagery to send a message of American gluttony and excess. Instead of condemning it, however, I wanted to send a satirical message to embrace and adore this excess.
The idea for my poster was inspired by street artists such as Shepard Fairey with his character Andre the Giant. My original idea was to create an image of a character whom I would name and would pose a question to viewers. However, as I started playing around with Illustrator I eventually created this...slightly different than I expected. My main goal with this poster is to create something that is visually appealing as you walk by and look at it. I want viewers to question what the poster is for and wonder why it is there.
My inspiration for these posters was outrageous gas prices and the common use of coupons. The coupons at the bottom of each poster states "Buy one gallon of gas, Get one FREE. This offer is not valid in the US. Applicable charges may apply. Not for resale. Tax not included". The idea is to emphasis the absurd increase in gas prices over the last couple years. It's also commenting on the idea that coupons for gas, which people would often use, are not available like they are for other necessities like food. Caroline and I were in collaboration and our works demonstrate various uses of coupons and America's obsessions.